A/B: Solving Words: I use sight words to help me read A/B: Solving Words: I use the pictures to help me figure out the words. A/B: Solving Words:I get my mouth ready. A/B: Solving Words:I can tell you the pattern in the story. A/B: Predicting: I can talk about what will happen in the story. A/B: Monitoring and Correcting: I read from left to right. A/B: Monitoring and Correcting:I point to the words as I read A/B: Monitoring and Correcting:I reread the sentence to see if it makes sense A/B: Monitoring and Correcting:I think about what I already know to help me fix mistakes A/B: Making Connections: I can make text-to-self connections A/B: Searching for and Using Information: I look at the words from left to right A/B: Searching for and Using Information: I look for words I know A/B: Synthesizing: I think about what I’ve already read to help me understand what I’m reading now A/B: Summarizing: I remember what the text is about during reading A/B: Summarizing: I can talk about the text after I read A/B: Inferring: I use pictures to talk about characters feelings or actions A/B: Maintaining Fluency: I read the way I talk A/B: Maintaining Fluency: I use punctuation to help me read smoothly A/B: Analyzing: I can explain the title of the book A/B: Adjusting: Does it sound right? A/B: Adjusting: Does it look right? A/B: Adjusting: Does it make sense? A/B: Critiquing: I can say if I like a book or not