F: Solving Words: I look for little words in big words F: Solving Words:I think about what makes sense F: Solving Words:I skip the word and read on F: Solving Words:I stretch the word F: Solving Words:I look for vowel sounds or blends that I know F: Solving Words:I use the pictures F: Solving Words:I look for chunks F: Predicting:I use what I know to make predictions F: Predicting:I use what I learned in the text to make predictions F: Predicting:I use what I know about characters to make predictions F: Monitoring and Correcting: F: Monitoring and Correcting:I go back and read it again if it doesn’t sound right, look right, or make sense F: Monitoring and Correcting:I read quietly and understand what I am reading F: Making Connections:I can make text-to-self connections F: Making Connections:I can make text-to-text connections F: Making Connections:I notice character relationships F: Searching for and Using Information: F: Searching for and Using Information:I use titles and subheadings to find information F: Searching for and Using Information:I can use a table of contents F: Searching for and Using Information:I know where I can find information in a story or in a nonfiction book F: Synthesizing:I think about what I already know about a character or topic before reading F: Synthesizing:I think about what I’ve already read to help me understand what I’m reading now F: Synthesizing:I can talk about a new idea I learned from reading F: Summarizing: I can talk about what happened in the text and name the big idea (NF: main topic and details Fiction: What happened in the story? What was the big idea?) F: Summarizing:I can retell a story in order F: Summarizing:I notice how events go together in the text F: Inferring:I can talk about why a character is feeling or acting a certain way F: Inferring:I understand how characters feel F: Inferring:I can explain how a character has changed and why F: Inferring:I can talk about cause and effect in my reading F: Inferring:I can support my thinking by using words or pictures from the book F: MaintainingFluency:I use expression when I read F: MaintainingFluency:I use the punctuation as I read F: MaintainingFluency:I can read in phrases F: Analyzing:I can tell if a book is fiction or nonfiction F: Adjusting:Does it sound right? F: Adjusting:Does it look right? F: Adjusting:Does it make sense? F: Critiquing:I give my opinion about a book F: Critiquing:I give my opinion about characters or events in a story