H/I:Solving Words-I use many different strategies to figure out tricky words H/I:Solving Words-I can break longer words up into parts H/I:Solving Words-I can figure out what words mean by using the words around it and the pictures Predicting-I use what I know and what I’ve learned to make predictions about the text (cause/effect, problem/solution, compare/contrast) H/I:Predicting-I use examples from the text to support my predictions H/I:Monitoring and Correcting-I go back and read it again if it doesn’t sound right, look right, or make sense H/I:Monitoring and Correcting-I read quietly and understand what I am reading H/I:Monitoring and Correcting-If I am confused about what is happening in a story, I go back and reread until it makes sense H/I:Making Connections-I can make text-to-self connections H/I:Making Connections-I can make text-to-text connections H/I:Making Connections-I notice character relationships H/I:Searching for and Using Information-I can tell who is talking in the story (split dialogue) (Who said...) H/I:Searching for and Using Information-I can use simple graphics and labeled pictures to help me understand the book H/I:Synthesizing-I think about what I already know about a character or topic before reading H/I:Synthesizing-I think about what I’ve already read to help me understand what I’m reading now H/I:Synthesizing-I can talk about a new idea I learned from reading H/I:Summarizing-I can talk about what happened in the text and name the big idea H/I:Summarizing-I talk about how the many small moments fit together in a story (episodes)(How do the small moments fit together in the story?) H/I:Summarizing-I remember important facts from a nonfiction text(What are the most important facts? Why?) Inferring-I can talk about how a character is feeling by using dialogue in a story H/I:Inferring-I can explain how a character has changed and why H/I:Inferring-I can use evidence to support my thinking H/I:Maintaining Fluency-I use expression when I read H/I:Maintaining Fluency-I use the punctuation as I read H/I:Maintaining Fluency-I can read in phrases Analyzing- I can talk about the genre of book that I am reading (What genre is this book?) H/I:Analyzing-I can compare and contrast characters in a story H/I:Analyzing-I can name describing words an author used in a story (What words did _____ use to describe ______) H/I:Analyzing-I can talk about why the author wrote the book the way he/she did(Why do you think ____ wrote this book?) H/I:Adjusting-I read smoothly unless I get to a word that I don’t’ know, and then I slow down to figure out the word H/I:Adjusting-I read nonfiction books in a different way than I read fiction books H/I:Adjusting-I ask myself, “Does it look right?” Does it sound right? Doe it make sense? H/I:Critiquing-I can talk about whether I agree or disagree with the ideas in the text H/I:Critiquing-I give my opinion about characters or events in the text H/I:Critiquing-I can talk about how characters could have behaved differently(What could ____ have done differently?)