J/K:Solving Words- I can solve words with many syllables and words with suffixes J/K:Solving Words- I can figure out what words mean by using context clues J/K:Solving Words- I understand longer descriptive words J/K:Solving Words- I use known words to solve new words J/K:Predicting-I use what I know and what I’ve learned to make predictions about the text (cause/effect, problem/solution, compare/contrast) J/K:Predicting-I use information from the text to support or change my predictions J/K:Predicting-I use character traits to make predictions about what a character will do (How would you describe _____? What do you think ____ will do next?) J/K:Monitoring and Correcting- I can self-correct errors that do not make sense as I read J/K:Monitoring and Correcting- If I forget what I am reading, I go back and reread until I remember Making Connections- I can explain the type of connection I am making (topic, content, type of story) J/K:Making Connections- I can make connections between the text and other texts that have been read or heard (Did you make any connections? What kind of connection was that?) J/K:Searching for and Using Information- I can use chapter titles to think ahead about what I’m going to read J/K:Searching for and Using Information- I can read and understand longer sentences J/K:Searching for and Using Information- I can keep track of who is talking over several pages Synthesizing- I think about what I already know about a character or topic before reading J/K:Synthesizing- I think about what I’ve already read to help me understand what I’m reading now J/K:Synthesizing- I can talk about a new idea I learned from reading J/K:Synthesizing- I study the characters in the book to really understand them J/K:Summarizing- I talk or write about what happened in the chapter or a long piece of text. (What happened in chapter…? What happened in the book…) J/K:Summarizing- I can talk about the problem and the solution (What is the problem? Solution?) J/K:Summarizing- I can read the same book for several days and still remember the plot and characters (Tell me what happened so far.) J/K:Inferring- I can talk about how a character is feeling by using dialogue in a story J/K:Inferring- I can use evidence to support my thinking J/K:Inferring- I understand the problems characters face and connect it to my own life (What problems did _____ face? Does that remind you of anything from your own life?) J/K:Inferring- I can dig deeper than just what the book says. I can add my own thinking about the characters and the plot J/K:Inferring- I can talk about causes of problems (What is the problem? What caused the problem?) J/K:Maintaining Fluency- I use expression when I read J/K:Maintaining Fluency- I use the punctuation as I read J/K:Maintaining Fluency- I can read in phrases J/K:Maintaining Fluency- I can read silently at a good speed J/K:Maintaining Fluency -I can read as if I were the character. Analyzing- I can talk about why the author wrote the book the way he/she did J/K:Analyzing - I notice the author’s style of writing (What did the author do well in writing this book?) J/K:Analyzing - I understand how the setting is important in a book J/K:Adjusting- I read smoothly unless I get to a word that I don’t’ know, and then I slow down to figure out the word J/K:Adjusting- I read nonfiction books in a different way than I read fiction books Critiquing J/K:Critiquing- I can talk about whether I agree or disagree with the ideas in the text J/K:Critiquing - I can talk about how characters could have behaved differently Critiquing- I give my opinion as to whether the book is interesting, funny, or exciting and why