N:Solving Words- I use many different strategies to figure out new words quickly while thinking about the meaning (proper nouns, technical words) N:Solving Words- I notice new and interesting words and add them to my speaking or writing vocabulary N:Solving Words- I can use the graphics to help me figure out content specific words N:Predicting- I use what I know and what I’ve learned to make predictions about the text (cause/effect, problem/solution, compare/contrast) N:Predicting- I can tell you what I think is going to happen and I can support my prediction. N:Predicting- I use the chapter titles to foreshadow content. N:Monitoring and Correcting- I self correct when it doesn’t make sense or doesn’t sound right N:Making Connections- Before I read, I think about what I already know about the book or topic. N:Making Connections- I can explain the type of connection I am making (topic, content, type of story) N:Making Connections- I make connections to other books, to myself, and what I know about the world before, during, and after reading N:Making Connections- I put myself in the character’s shoes. (If you were ______, what would you do?) N:Searching for and Using Information- When I am reading something that is filled with suspense, I can’t wait to read on. (Is this story suspenseful? Is it hard to put the book down? Do you want to read on?) N:Summarizing- I can explain the problem and resolution N:Summarizing- I can summarize longer chapters or longer narrative. N:Summarizing- I stop at points throughout a book to summarize; (What is the most important part?) N:Summarizing- I can write a summary in my reading journal. N:Synthesizing- I can use a KWL to show new learning. N:Synthesizing- I talk about how my ideas have changed as the text unfolds N:Synthesizing- I can explain different characters’ points of view N:Synthesizing- I understand the relationship between the setting and the plot. N:Inferring- I can explain changes in characters over time and talk about possible reasons for the change (How do the characters change over time? Why did they change?) N:Inferring- I can infer the cause of the problem or the outcome. (What is the problem? What caused the problem? What is the solution? What caused the solution?) N:Inferring- I can infer the big idea (theme). N:Maintaining Fluency- I read smoothly with phrasing and only self-correct for meaning N:Maintaining Fluency- I read as if I were the character. N:Analyzing- I notice figurative language and can tell you how it adds to the story. (Find an example of figurative language and explain what it means. How does this make the story better?) N:Analyzing- I notice the descriptive language and can tell you how it adds to the story. N:Adjusting- I read smoothly unless I get to a word that I don’t’ know, and then I slow down to figure out the word N:Adjusting- I read nonfiction books in a different way than I read fiction books N:Critiquing- I can evaluate parts of the text that were funny, sad, scary, etc. (Which parts of the text are funny? Sad? Scary? Surprising? Interesting? Exciting?)