O:Solving Words- I can show examples of figurative language. O:Solving Words- I understand the connotative meaning of words. O:Solving Words- I begin to notice new and interesting words and use them when I speak and use them in my writing. O:Predicting- I make predictions and support my thinking by providing evidence from the story. O:Predicting- I think about what the character will do based on what he/she has already done. O:Predicting- I think about the character traits when I make a prediction. O:Monitoring and Correcting- I self correct when it doesn’t make sense or doesn’t sound right O:Making Connections- Before I read, I think about what I already know about the book or topic. O:Making Connections- I can explain the type of connection I am making (topic, content, type of story) O:Making Connections- I make connections to other books, to myself, and what I know about the world before, during, and after reading O:Making Connections- I put myself in the character’s shoes. O:Searching for and Using Information- I use the table of contents, glossary, heading and subheading, pronunciation guides, index, and references to search for information. O:Searching for and Using Information- I use a KWL to create questions about what I want to learn about. O:Synthesizing- I can use a KWL to show new learning. O:Synthesizing- I talk about how my ideas have changed as the text unfolds O:Synthesizing- I can talk about how my ideas or knowledge has changed from the beginning of the text to the end of the text O:Summarizing- I stop at points throughout a book to summarize; O:Summarizing- I can write a summary in my reading journal. O:Inferring- I can follow the actions of multiple characters. O:Summarizing- I can infer how one character feels about another character. O:Summarizing- I can tell you the issue in the text and how the issue relates to my life. O:Maintaining Fluency- I read smoothly with phrasing and only self-correct for meaning O:Maintaining Fluency- I read as if I were the character. (Proper phrasing and expression) O:Analyzing- I notice how the setting is important to the story. O:Analyzing- I can tell you about the author’s style because I have read many of his/her books. O:Adjusting- I read smoothly unless I get to a word that I don’t’ know, and then I slow down to figure out the word O:Adjusting- I read nonfiction books in a different way than I read fiction books O:Critiquing- I can tell you whether this could really happen or not.