R/s: Solving Words- I can identify words with multiple meanings and pick the right meaning that goes with the text. (When you were reading, were there any words that have more than one meaning? Which ones? What is the meaning that goes with the text?) R/S: Solving Words- I know which strategies to use to figure out the tricky words (proper nouns and technical words) (What strategies did you use to help you figure out the word _____?) R/S: Solving Words- I learn the meaning of new words while reading. (When you were reading, were there any new words? What do you think _ means?) Predicting- I can tell you what I think is going to happen and I can support my prediction. (What is going to happen? Why?) R/S: Predicting- I make a wide range of predictions based on my personal experiences, what I know about the content, and what I have read in other books. (Use your prior knowledge and personal experiences to make a wide range of predictions.) R/S: Predictions- I use the chapter titles to foreshadow content. (Look at the table of contents. What do you think is going to happen in the text?) (Look at the next chapter’s title-what do you think is going to happen in that chapter?) R/S: Monitoring and Correcting- I self correct when it doesn’t make sense or doesn’t sound right R/S: Monitoring and Correcting- I ask questions and look for the answers while I am reading. Making Connections- I make connections between characters in different texts. (Does a character from this text remind you of a character from another text? How so?) R/S: Searching for and Using Information- I can identify the most important (significant) events and tell how they are related to the problem of the story or the solution of the story. R/S: Searching for and Using Information- I can extend the book in many ways, including doing research, writing a response or by making something. Synthesizing- I use what the author tells me in the text but use my own knowledge to think more deeply into the meaning of the story, the characters’ feelings and thoughts, and changes and ideas related to the plot. (Use what happened in the text and your own knowledge to think deeply about the theme, the characters’ feelings and thoughts, and the changes and ideas related to the plot.) R/S: Summarizing- I can summarize longer chapters or longer narrative. R/S: Summarizing- I can write a summary of the book. R/S: Summarizing- I can write more about the book than what I read by adding my thoughts about the book. R/S: Summarizing- I can extend the book in many ways, including doing research, writing a response or by making something. Inferring- I can infer the big idea or theme. (What is the theme/big idea? How does it develop from beginning to end?) R/S: Inferring- I can infer how the characters are feeling and their motivations as I read their dialogue and read what other characters say about them. (Looking at dialogue, how do you think the characters are feeling? What are their motivations?) R/S: Maintaining Fluency- When I read silently, I read quickly and think about the meaning of the story. R/S: Maintaining Fluency- I read with fluency, phrasing and expression and understand the meaning of the story. Analyzing- I recognize the use of figurative or descriptive language (even irony) and talk about how it makes the text more interesting. (Identify examples of the author’s use of figurative language. How does the figurative language make the text more interesting?) R/S: Analyzing- I can talk about the author’s craft; style, language, perspective, themes) R/S: Adjusting- I read different genres in different ways. R/S: Adjusting- Sometimes I need to slow down to make sure I understand the text if a part is difficult. Critiquing R/S: Critiquing- I can tell you what types of texts I prefer to read and give specific reasons why I like it.